At the McCallisters' house, Peter is about to get divorced from Kate and announces that he's living with his new and rich girlfriend, Natalie at her mansion. He tells his three children, Buzz, Megan and Kevin, that they are hosting the visit of a royal family and invites everyone to spend Christmas with him and Natalie. After initially refusing, Kevin takes his father up on his offer after being tormented by Buzz.
Kevin enjoys his time at Natalie's mansion with his new bedroom, latest gadgets and his life. In the next morning, Natalie and Peter go out for a bit while Kevin stays at the mansion with Mr. Prescott. While Prescott makes Kevin a milkshake, he goes into the security room and gets caught by Prescott, who gives Kevin another chance. With Natalie and Peter still away, Kevin notices his old nemesis Marv, a remaining member of the Wet Bandits and new sidekick Vera outside the house. Kevin tries to get Mr. Prescott to answer the intercom, but unfortunately it doesn't work because Marv altered the security system. He then spies on them and drive them away by flooding the house, but Peter and Natalie arrive while Kevin is cleaning up and don`t believe Kevin's explanation, especially since Prescott claims to have seen nothing. Kevin then attempts to use the security camera footage to prove himself, but discovers that the camera had been turned off and is caught by Prescott, who Kevin now believes to be Marv and Vera's ally. Molly then appears and gets Kevin out of trouble. Peter and Natalie then realize they gave Kevin a hard time and decide to make him feel better, so the three of them decided to decorate the tree.


  • Mike Weinberg as Kevin McCallister
  • French Stewart as Marv, Vera's husband.
  • Clare Carey as Kate McCallister, Kevin, Buzz and Megan's mother.
  • Jason Beghe as Peter McCallister, Kevin, Buzz and Megan's father.
  • Gideon Jacobs as Buzz McCallister, Kevin and Megan's brother.
  • Chelsea Russo as Megan McCallister, Kevin and Buzz's sister.
  • Missi Pyle as Vera, Marv's wife.
  • Joanna Going as Natalie, Peter's girlfriend and Buzz, Megan, and Kevin's future stepmother
  • Erick Avari as Mr. Prescott, the butler.
  • Barbara Babcock as Molly, the maid, the inside guy, and Marv's mother.

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