Back to the Future: The Game. Episode 1 - It's About Time: Description:
Welcome back to the future! More precisely, back to the supermarket parking lot "Two pine" in Hill Valley, Marty McFly, and where the mad Doc again conduct an experiment with the machine time, ended in disaster. As a result, Doc disappears in the past, and Marty have to go now to save him from certain death in the distant 1931, the era of brutal gangsters and Prohibition.

Features RePack'a:

Do not cut
no recoded
repacked game resources
Crack the text from an amateur "Tolma4 team" version 1.3 from 9/5/12
Crack a professional sound from "Buka Entertainment"
version of the game 2010.12.21.51872
author of the "Audioslave"

Back to the Future: The Game. Episode 2 - Get Tannen :
Marty and Doc were going to leave the Hill Valley of 1931, and return
home when an unexpected event disrupted their plans are: Arthur, the
future grandfather of Marty, baby killed by gangsters Tannen and Marty
began to disappear from the real world! The only thing that remained to
him now is to try to escape from the police and go back in time to
prevent crime.

Features RePack'a:

Do not cut
no recoded
repacked game resources
Crack the text from an amateur "Tolma4 team" version 1.3 from 9/5/12
Crack a professional sound from "Buka Entertainment"
version of the game 2011.2.15.54348
author of the "Audioslave"

Back to the Future: The Game. Episode 3 - Citizen Brown :
It would seem that Marty and Doc have fixed all that have done in 1931:
Kid arrested Tannen and his gang eliminated, and the life of Arthur
McFly is not in danger. And then they go back to 1986 ... But the same
had happened to Doc? Yes, and Hill Valley has changed beyond
recognition, and now he manages a mysterious "Citizen Brown."

Features RePack'a:

Do not cut
no recoded
repacked game resources
Crack the text from an amateur "Tolma4 team" version 1.1 from 9/5/12
Crack a professional sound from "Buka Entertainment"
version of the game 2011.3.26.55776
author of the "Audioslave"

Back to the Future: The Game. Episode 4 - Double Visions:
After convincing "Citizen Brown" DeLorian repair and help with
correction of the time line, Marty gets into the trap set by Edna!
Recovering, he discovers that locked in a cell and deprived of any
opportunity to act, while Edna is preparing her husband to a destructive
process in the program "Citizens Plus."

Features RePack'a:

Do not cut
no recoded
repacked game resources
Crack the text from an amateur "Tolma4 team" version 1.2 from 9/5/12
Crack a professional sound from "Buka Entertainment"
version of the game 2011.4.26.57323
author of the "Audioslave"

Back to the Future: The Game. Episode 5 - Out A Time :
Hill Valley, 1931. Marty can not separate the young Emmett Brown from
the "wrong woman," Edna, again infect the self-confidence, and thus
bring him into the fold of science. It remains only to make sure that
the young Doc knew his destiny. He has to demonstrate at the show his
new invention - the electrokinetic levitator. That's just Emmett had

Features RePack'a:

Do not cut
no recoded
repacked game resources
Crack the text from an amateur "Tolma4 team" version 1.1 from 9/5/12
Crack a professional sound from "Buka Entertainment"
version of the game 2011.5.21.58360
author of the "Audioslave"

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows ® XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Pentium IV - 3.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 - 2.2 GHz
Memory: 1 GB (for XP) / 2 GB (for Vista / 7)
Video: 128 MB with SM3.0 (GeForce 6600 GT / Radeon X1300 XT)
Sound card: compatible with DirectX9.0c
Free hard disk space: 2,3 GB

Year:2010-201 | PC Game | Eng Rus | Developer: Telltale Games | Publisher: Telltale Games | 980 MB
Genre: Quest

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