SpeedUpMyPC - the program for the tuners and the optimization of your operating system, for it provides a more stable and faster work. The program allows you to free memory and other system resources, prevent crashes, reduce download time and make better internet connection. The utility also allows you to monitor the system and makes recommendations to accelerate the launch of programs to control and manage all the resources of a computer with one simple click. System settings, internet usage, disk clutter, RAM and CPU are all automatically scanned, cleaned and optimized for maximum performance. You can also pause or delete the background and startup processes, to produce high-quality multi-pass disk defragmentation and mop up, to respect privacy, completely remove sensitive data and much more.

SpeedUpMyPC - the award winning utility software that ensures your PC is automatically optimized for maximum performance in just a few easy clicks. SpeedUpMyPC is a system utility that helps you get the most out of your computer without being a Windows expert. It can can free up memory (RAM) and other resources, detect and optimize your internet connection, reassign CPU resources to improve performance and prevent crashes. It also includes a startup manager, that enables you to make Windows load faster dy disabling programs that you do not want to start automatically. The built-in bandwidth monitor allows you to keep an eye on your internet connection and can automatically detect your true connection speed. Additional features include browser optimization, automatic RAM cleaning and an interactive tray icon display.
SpeedUpMyPC makes it easier than ever before to optimize your settings, free up resources, and remove resource hogs. With simple explanations and real-time graphs for all vital system resources, SpeedUpMyPC identifies performance bottlenecks in minutes. With a heavy-duty arsenal of optimization tools, such as RAM recovery, CPU optimization, startup management, and automatic crash recovery, SpeedUpMyPC is THE must-have utility for both beginner and power users.

- Automatic scanning system
- Overview of the CPU
- Improved functionality of the processor
- Overview of main memory
- Optimize RAM
- Review the use of disk space
- Analyze and Defragment hard drives
- Analysis and optimization of the speed of your Internet connection
- Startup Manager
- Task Manager
- Review of and recommendations for increasing its productivity
- Crawling on unnecessary or unwanted data
- Complete destruction of confidential data (optional)
- Manager to uninstall the program
- Nice and easy interface yuzersky
- Run programs at system startup (optional)
- Automatic start scanning the system at boot program (optional)
- Run, the program icon in system tray

Year: 2012
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: Ml
Medicine: (serial)
Size: 5.6 MB

Download Here : 

Click Here To Download - (via MF @6Mb)

Download, Install, Enjoy ^_^

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